Training During the Holiday Season

With so many things going on during the holiday season the first thing that always tends to go, after diet at least, is exercise.  Between all of the hustle and bustle of buying gifts, traveling, meals with family and food induced comas the exercise routine is put by the way side. Over the years I have found several things that have really helped me out and I hope will help you to keep a more normal exercise routine. 1. Set up a schedule- Yes the training schedule is import but I am talking about the schedule with your family in this instance.  This is how you will stay out of the dog house with your significant other as well as not miss out on any/many of the family activities.  It is important to have your family supporting you in this and setting it up ahead makes that easier. 2. Travel Days- Take the travel days off or easy.  These always tend to be the most stressful.  Whether you are driving with kids screaming in the back seat or dealing with the re-circulated air of an airplane take the rest of the time easy and relax.  The stress of travel always takes a toll and be sure to remember to recover! 3. Intensity over time- Trade off overall intensity for time if things are busy.  This is a good way to get a legitimate workout in and not add any stress in the family. I was able to get my first ride in this morning and it was a nice 32degrees in the dreary Kansas winter.  I can not thank my wife enough for letting me get in the saddle time today and even though it was cold and damp it was nice to get out after a long drive.  The one, and most important thing, to remember is that you aren’t getting paid to be an athlete.  So… if it comes down to it and you miss a workout or two it doesn’t result in you losing your career.  Happy Holidays and safe travels!

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Coach Brady

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